Monday 20 October 2008

Half way point

Or at least this is the half way point in terms of time allowed!
I think we have completed around 600 lengths between us (well, between some of us lol) so this is just about half way in terms of distance (a little under 12 miles).
I'm hoping to edge closer to my personal allocation for the team in the next couple of weeks and think Lauren will be just ahead of me! Sarah is on holiday but has pledged to do her bit while away in order to relieve the hardship of sunbathing by an infinity pool on the Thai coast.
The amount we have raised seems to have stalled around the half-way mark as well. So if you haven't already been generous please do so! You can sponsor us online through the widget over on the right (minimum £2 which is only one drink less in the Bless this week) or see one of us to submit your spare coppers via our paper forms.
Remember all the money we raise is going to Aspire, the leading spinal injury rehabilitation charity.

We're also starting to think about our 2009 programme of events (programme sounds so professional!) so if you have any suggestions for challenges you would like to see us struggle to complete get posting here or on Facebook!

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