Tuesday 9 June 2009

Fat Girl goes public!

Just thought i should update the Fat Girl blog with some exciting news. I awoke on Saturday morning with a bad case of dieters guilt brought on by late night munchies of the flapjack/supping vino variety! Thinking something must be done to quell the guilt and reduce the monsterous effects of a whole night of binge eating, i adorned my leggings, popped on the mp3, laced up my trainers, waved good bye to a open mouthed dad and started my morning jog! Yes that is right TRFGR followers, i took my jogging public! Granted it was 8am on a saturday and Folkestone is quite sleepy at this time but there were people in cars who passed me and im proud to say i wasn't spectacle enough to cause any traffic accidents. And in a town recently famous for earthquakes i didnt even make the local news with a tremor!!

I do have to admit that I purposefully didnt check the time when i left, i decided the sweat produced was a greater measure of the activity than the time it took. And sweat i certainly did, it was a struggle the entire way! To start my leggings disagreed with their position and fought to be in the more favourable location near my ankles. I took a break from cursing my leg wear to complain loudly (in a language constructed from painful wheezing) about the stupid stupid nature of hills. I strongly dislike the UP part of any hill. Unfortunatly i started half way up a hill and in my enthusiasm to tackle the jog i'd confidently started the jog heading UP. This proved unwise as half way round the block i realised i'd be finishing the gruelling jog in the same stupid stupid direction. I greatly enjoyed the DOWN part of the jog, wind in my hair, air forced into my collapsed lungs, what could be better. Then with heavy legs and a drastic change in pace i hit the UP section again, but dispite my complaining and cursing i did it all again.

So i went round the block twice! In my defence it is a big block and the UP is significantly UP. I finished it still jogging and as im measuring its success in sweat and not time i can report that i did very very well! So yey for this Fat Girl who took her jogging public and lived to tell the tale. So far i haven't seen any clips of it on YouTube so mission successful. But don't think for one minute this means im going to start jogging on the streets of Derby! Oh no! I have to actually live in Derby, so now it's back to the air conditioned gym for a nice secluded jog :)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

But you can jog again this week while we are on our adventure! Yay Lauren!