Monday 30 March 2009

And she's off...!!

So I'm back from Texas, and after shaking off my jetlag I've managed the incredible walking total of .......(cue foghorns, drumrolls & angels singing)....ZERO minutes! I know, I'm a terrible person, but I was officially still on holiday & didn't go back to work until today so I kind of didn't bother. Although, all that walking around Texas & running from the police after trying to kidnap Graham Coxon must surely have had an effect.
Anyway, I am back at work now & have sent out my "please sponsor me" email this morning. I have had my first donation of £10....yay! I am now (sort of) back on my healthy eating plan - I even got up early this morning to make an extra healthy packed lunch, and the wii fit will be making an appearance shortly.

K xx

1 comment:

Sarah said... idea for you to kidnap Graham Coxon was just an eleborate way of getting you to inadvertantly train while at SXSW!
I will colour in some more of the totaliser when I get home to my (son's) crayons tonight!