Friday 31 October 2008

Another mini update stats fans

74 lengths added to my batch totallying 400 altogether. Meaning just 72 left until I have completed my team milage!!!!
I have 616 left to complete the full 22 miles and plan to do this in 21 sessions over the next month. I'm determined to complete it all so am stepping up my game!
And for those of you following this really closely I have started to vary my stroke. I am now doing a mixture of breast stroke (no jokes thanks) which is my strongest and front crawl which is my weakest. Sometimes I throw in a couple of back stroke or work with floats to alleviate the monotony.
I can also report that there is no motivational value in Wonderwall by Oasis. Good song it may be but when it starts playing as I hit my 68th length of the day it doesn't really do the job of giving me the energy to push through the last few lengths....

Anyway, back at the pool over the weekend so will hopefully be able to report the completion of my 8 miles!

Friday 24 October 2008

Short and sweet

Did another 36 lengths.
My total now 286 lengths / 4.5 miles.
186 length / 1.5 miles left to swim on team total.
Getting quite bored of swimming up and down now. More sponsorship money might help :)

Monday 20 October 2008

Half way point

Or at least this is the half way point in terms of time allowed!
I think we have completed around 600 lengths between us (well, between some of us lol) so this is just about half way in terms of distance (a little under 12 miles).
I'm hoping to edge closer to my personal allocation for the team in the next couple of weeks and think Lauren will be just ahead of me! Sarah is on holiday but has pledged to do her bit while away in order to relieve the hardship of sunbathing by an infinity pool on the Thai coast.
The amount we have raised seems to have stalled around the half-way mark as well. So if you haven't already been generous please do so! You can sponsor us online through the widget over on the right (minimum £2 which is only one drink less in the Bless this week) or see one of us to submit your spare coppers via our paper forms.
Remember all the money we raise is going to Aspire, the leading spinal injury rehabilitation charity.

We're also starting to think about our 2009 programme of events (programme sounds so professional!) so if you have any suggestions for challenges you would like to see us struggle to complete get posting here or on Facebook!

Monday 6 October 2008

Back to the pool

It's me. Again.
Made it back to the pool today after a hiatus due to illness and then a debilitating motivation problem. I've whooped my own ass over it though and eased myself in with a cool 20 lengths this afternoon. 
I have five more sessions pencilled in this week so should bring my total to somewhere around the 260/300 length (or 6 mile) mark depending on how my interest / wheezy chest holds out.
That does mean that I will only be around 160 lengths away from completing my 8 miles for the team - aiming to do this by the end of week 8 (it's the start of week 4 today) and then will see how much more I can top up with as a challenge to myself!