Friday 31 October 2008

Another mini update stats fans

74 lengths added to my batch totallying 400 altogether. Meaning just 72 left until I have completed my team milage!!!!
I have 616 left to complete the full 22 miles and plan to do this in 21 sessions over the next month. I'm determined to complete it all so am stepping up my game!
And for those of you following this really closely I have started to vary my stroke. I am now doing a mixture of breast stroke (no jokes thanks) which is my strongest and front crawl which is my weakest. Sometimes I throw in a couple of back stroke or work with floats to alleviate the monotony.
I can also report that there is no motivational value in Wonderwall by Oasis. Good song it may be but when it starts playing as I hit my 68th length of the day it doesn't really do the job of giving me the energy to push through the last few lengths....

Anyway, back at the pool over the weekend so will hopefully be able to report the completion of my 8 miles!

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