This was the training session which nearly wasn't after much trouble with original plans, coordinating the diaries of eight social butterflies and then last minute illnesses.
But in the end, half of us got there. And we had a wonderful time!
Toni, Lauren, Kelly and Sarah headed up to Liverpool with the sunshining and the laughter filling the car. We managed to get to a car park without much trouble and headed into town and straight into Primark.
We checked out options for race day outfits and think we have finalised the theme but then the shopping was verging on the practical rather than the tactical. So, off we headed, down Matthew Street where we were enticed into Reminiss - the '90s bar. Neither the music or the decor was from the '90s so it was all a bit odd. One quick (soft) drink and off we went again.
A brief, lustful, glance in the window of Vivienne Westwood and then comedy photos with the statue of John Lennon before wombling off in the direction of Pier Head. We admired the architecture, we wondered at the marvellous weather and how quiet it was down there. Then we realised we were hungry so headed down the waterfront to grab some nosh at Albert Dock.
Here some serious team work went into devouring scrummy food and chatting away as a Fat Girl supporter (hello Sefton) put in a cameo.
Then we were off again and took in the culture of the Tate (not all rules were obeyed): a forthcoming team activity to look out for is our entry to the Turner Prize, we could so win that baby.
We all enjoyed the Saturday Night Fever-style dancefloor in one of the exhibitions, especially as we were given headphones and encouraged to dance! There is no greater joy for a Fat Girl than a dance and certainly training would not be real training without it.
We headed back out of town through the revamped streets distracted by spotting Lauren's sock soulmate and some amazing shoes.
Then it was back in the car for a candy cigarette and a game of top trumps and home.
A long but lovely day in Liverpool. We just wish the other Fat Girls could have come time ladies!
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