Friday, 26 February 2010
BGS Bake Day
I organised a Bake Day (aka frantic 10 minute scrabble for cake) at work. It was only a small affair but I'm rather proud of how it turned out. Alex, Jackie, Sheila and Debbie all baked wonderful cakes so combined with my massive batch of cherry and choc muffins we had enough to feed the BGS rabble.
Everyone gave very generously and together we raised £71 for the British Heart Foundation! Not bad at all, makes all the organising and kitchen caos worth it! I'm going to send a cheque off tonight... after I've been to the gym to work of 6000 kcals!!
A massive thanks to everyone who helped. Visit the British Heart Foundation to see where the money goes and why it is so desperately important we're heart aware!
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Future Events
The BHF And CRUK both do really exciting and amazing fund raising events abroad. Hikes, bike rides, runs and swims all over the place. I'm seriously thinking about Peru Trek, Berlin Marathon, 3 Capitals Cycle Challenge or something equally as far fetched and inspiring to do in 2011. For definate i'm doing the Three Peak Challenge ... could Team RFGR be the super team in 2011? This year i want to do the Winter High Peak Challenge .
Hmmmmm i'll deliberate and cogetate a bit more before i decide 100% on next years events me thinks, it's a serious undertaking for a Fat Girl and i have to be sure im dedicated and could do the charity justice. Exciting though!!
Bad biscuit day
Talking of sugar and sweet things. It's the big awaited BGS BAKE for British Heart Foundation tomorrow so I'm over Mackenzies tonight stealing muffin trays and recipes! Hopefully between me and the other super gals in my dept we'll have baked up enough treats to feed our colleagues and raise a lot of cash for BHF!
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Groundhog Day
So with a gym session on Mon and Tues i was expecting aching muscles and sore limbs today but low and behold todays session has been pain free. I'm not sure if that's because im not working hard enough or because of the new shakes im drinking but im happy with the result! I'm positively busting with enthusiasm for tomorrows 5k jog, which is weird. Very weird. But good i guess!
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Snow interupts training
Seriously though I must curb it on the alcohol front because i really do want to get fit by spring, i will be able to ascend mountains and jog 10k without an oxygen mask and need for hospitalisation. I will, i will, i will, i will, i will... am i convincing anyone else because it's not working for me! Also pissed off the smoking has crept back up again too, a definate side affect of the increased booze consumption. So that is all the news i have. I've concluded drinking is fun but it must be balanced out with better eating and more fitness. Bring on the 5k waddle tonight.
Saturday, 20 February 2010
Powered by vitriol
I am therefore giving science the finger as this stuff about endorphins is clearly codswallop. I'm feeling angrier now than I did before heading out and that's saying something given the whole endeavour was powered by a doozy of a tantrum.
My whole right leg is a series of niggles now - one in the inside of my ankle, then the outside of my knee and the familiar pain in the lower right of my back. Further convincing me I have one leg shorter than the other or (new option) they unbalanced my core by removing the left hand side of my reproductive system.
Anyway. I did it. I got out there and did my first training in 16 days. Now sponsor me. Please.
S C-P x
Total training fail
I don't feel good about it. Especially seeing as the Race For Life Get Social team have sent me a bag full of goodies (inluding the cute as anything rubber duckie) as a thank you for blogging, tweeting and generally yakking online about taking part. It's a shame that the effort I put in online won't help me survive the 10km race in July.
So, it's time to pull myself up by my trainer laces and get back on with training of some sort or another. I was feeling motivated 30 minutes ago but the discovery that my iPod is at work has diminished that get up and go somewhat. Running (alright jogging. Alright ALRIGHT walking) 5km on my own with no tunes really isn't appealing to me.
A failed attempt to hijack my husband's iPod means I'm expending more energy on sorting out this perceived problem than I am on actually getting on with training. If there is one thing I need no more practice in it is procrastination.
I need somebody to tell me to get out there. Someone to have some friendly competition with. Anyone about to administer a kick up the ass?
A lazy-as-you-like S C-P x
Friday, 19 February 2010
Snow Day
The final result was 10 minutes on the rower and 1.5 miles on the treadmill. Rubbish but better than nothing?
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Good Times Bad Times
It's been an awesome weekend of training!
Hmmm so maybe the training has taken a bit of a back seat to fun this weekend but I'm back on track now. In Fridays post i said I'd go to the bowl again that night but work scuppered my good intentions and i stayed at my desk till gone 6:30pm. I had been to the gym at lunch and done a bit of rowing and walking but found it surprisingly frustrating that i couldn't go jogging. Being a Fat Girl it's obvious these periods of enthusiasm don't come often and I'm only too aware if i let it slide it'll be harder to get off my fat arse the next day. Then came the weekend of anti-training and plans of a Sunday jog fell to the wayside. However i think if giggles and guffaws count then I'm ready for a marathon!
Monday was a total exercise fail as didn't get to gym and traffic stopped me getting to Sarah's in time for a jog. I did however have a good session of bopping and clapping at a really really great HotChip gig in Notts.
So with a steely determination to get this fat arse moving I went to the gym at lunch on Tuesday. Only to suffer another fail as it was closed! So Jane and I went for a brisk walk into the village instead, not much of a workout but better than vegging at my desk. I followed this with a 5k jolly round the Bowl later that night! I'm really getting into sunset jogging, it's really beautiful and if i didn't have to focus all my attention on keeping my legs working I'd take my camera along and show you. The skies were an amazing display of burnt amber and crimson, it would've taken my breath away if i had any left. The setting sun also helps keep me going because i don't want to be caught out in the dark half way round a big hole of water, that would be bad times!
So my 5k time on Tuesday wasn't anything special, but i did find it easier going than last week which must prove the faffing about in the gym is doing something. That or being sleep deprived and trying to hold a convo with your mum whilst jogging is the way forward. So even though my speed leaves something to be desired I'm pleased I'm getting out there and staying motivated. I just need to keep it up and hopefully I'll start feeling the benefits soon. That and some of my winter blubber should start shedding in time for a lean mean bikini summer!
P.S Tuesdays walk/jog was brought to you by the music from Maximo Park and the company via mobile of Mrs Mack and Mum!
Friday, 12 February 2010
Don't let the sun go down on me
It was a beautiful evening and although there was a freezing wind i soon warmed up after 5 minutes of fast walking. I even broke into a jog a few times and made it round in a time of 45 minutes. This was the time i managed a year ago when training started for the 5k. Since then I've lost 1.5 stone, got fit, got healthy, jogged 5k in 28 minutes, then stopped. Winter has been miserable, with darkness coming so early and crap weather i've done nothing. Im back to square one with an additional 0.5 stone to weigh me down. Oh well we all have to start somewhere and if i have to start from the beginning again so be it. Will power growing and stubborn determination back on track.
I'm planning to go to the Bowl of Hellfire again today, but I'll time it so as I'm not walking into the setting sun. The burning amber sky made the water look like the fiery pits of hell and running with bleeding retinas isn't too pleasurable, although that did take my mind off the fire in my lungs and the burning in my knees. And it's soooo much easier to keep good pace with pumping tunes, praise be to the Ministry of Sound and HotChip :D
Oh and I've just found out there's going to be a Race For Life Charity Single, if you want to be part of it and literally sing for your life go here, they're recruiting folk to sing on it all over the UK so take a look for when RFL scouts will be near you!
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
One thumb up one thumb down
Friday, 5 February 2010
Training #fail
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
Well OK I do a little bit, I'm still feeling guilty about the whole cake thing last week but I'd be a little happier if I was setting off to gracefully jog along a stretch of golden sand and sparkling blue surf. Instead I have to get my stupid shorts on and go waddling round a wet, dark pond in Nottingham. Not really inspiring or motivating but if it's what I must do then so be it.
Off I go :(
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Style and sobriety #fail

So with training for the Race For Life 10k underway it's time to start our second fundraising attack. Every month most of the TRFGR girls are meeting under the guise of Gourmet Night. It's a great excuse to eat quality grub and spend the night drinking wine and catching up with friends. Every athlete needs a breather from training every now and again! So taking this idea on board we've decided to open up these events and hold them as Dine at Mine events for Cancer Research UK.
We're appealing to local business' and supermarkets to help us maximise the amount of cash we can raise from each event. If we're supplied with food or vouchers it'll enable us to donate the shopping budget as well. And if we get given free goodies we can raffle these off or use them as prizes for competitions and challenges. I've signed us up and written letters to our favourite supermarkets and shops so I really hope we get a positive response, we REALLY want to make these nights a success and raise as much money as possible!
Now onto the serious business of training.... I'm heading down Holme Pierrepont tonight to see how good/bad a 5k walk in the rain can go. Then I'm home to deliver the Dine at Mine begging letters! Wish me luck!