Friday 26 February 2010

BGS Bake Day

I'm proudly wearing a red tshirt covered in crumbs...... it's all in aid of the British Heart Foundation and National Wear Red Day. Yup that's today, it's here at last and I'm chalking it up as a big old success.

I organised a Bake Day (aka frantic 10 minute scrabble for cake) at work. It was only a small affair but I'm rather proud of how it turned out. Alex, Jackie, Sheila and Debbie all baked wonderful cakes so combined with my massive batch of cherry and choc muffins we had enough to feed the BGS rabble.

Everyone gave very generously and together we raised £71 for the British Heart Foundation! Not bad at all, makes all the organising and kitchen caos worth it! I'm going to send a cheque off tonight... after I've been to the gym to work of 6000 kcals!!

A massive thanks to everyone who helped. Visit the British Heart Foundation to see where the money goes and why it is so desperately important we're heart aware!

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