Wednesday, 10 March 2010

A Cautionary Tale

DO NOT go shopping after a really long and dull day at work, you will find yourself compelled to spend money you dont really have on things you never even knew you wanted.

For example. After a long and dull day staring at code, frozen progress bars and debug messages i thought i'd pop to IKEA on the way to Sarahs. After all i need a sofa bed still and some light bulbs. Whilst i'm over that way i thought, i'll just nip into Decathlon and see if they do sports bras. BAD CHOICE.

Short of it is that i never got to IKEA. I spent over 2 hours in Decathlon and spent £70 on things i didnt even know i needed. And i forgot to even look for sports bras!

So now i have to take training more seriously because i've spent money on it, which i guess is a good incentive but one my bank balance could've done without. The only worrying thing is i need to return a few items because they were damaged (in my frenzied end of day shopping state i forgot to check for pulled seams etc) and im worried i might spend even more. It was only because i had my hands full already that i didnt come away with a HRM, GPS, bike, boots, jacket, day pack and archery set! If i can find the will power not to purchase these things when i return then maybe i can find the will power to train harder, better and faster!!

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