Thursday, 29 July 2010

Run, Fat Boy Run

Some people do amazing things.

Carl Bembridge is one of these people as tomorrow he will be running 26 miles between his home in Mickleover and his workplace in Matlock, both in Derbyshire. He's doing it as a personal challenge to himself but also to raise money for the mental health charity Mind. And he's doing it before a day's work at the digital coalface for Derbyshire County Council.

That's right, Carl is a Big Damn Hero and most definitely an honourary member of Team Run Fat Girl Run.

You can read Carl's personal story about what made him, a 238lb man, decide to take on this tremendous effort on his sponsorship page - Of course I would wholeheartedly recommend you also donate a few pennies in support.

Once you've sponsored Carl head over to the Facebook group and take a guess at how long it will take him to complete the route - whoever gets the nearest time (within 15 mins) can win an iPod Touch. How can you resist the chance at getting your hands on something shiny while also getting a warm fuzzy inside from supporting a great cause and a great man?

Go, go sponsor him now.
S C-P x
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Monday, 19 July 2010

Race for Life, Kedleston Hall, Derby, 18 July 2010

Another year and another successful negotiation of a Race for Life course for Team Run Fat Girl Run!

Our numbers may have been down to four (me, Kelly Race, Lauren Noakes and Vena Redshaw) but we put our collective lack of training and one of us being pregnant and another one still drunk from the night before aside and headed to Kedleston Hall to face our nemesis: the 10km course.

Perhaps the first mistake was looking at the route map when we arrived. However, whatever fear this instilled the lack of contours on it meant we were still oblivious to exactly what lay in store.

But we took on the hills, the kamikaze sheep, the need to pee in the woods and the uneven surface and managed it with very little moaning in 2 hours 15 minutes. Not bad, not bad at all.

We owe at least a little bit of our success to Take That (no, really). Anyone who knows us knows we like a good old chat about what the boys are up to. Not only did this week's official reunion news provide some food for thought but with five members in the band again we were able to neatly divide the course up and 'do' each member as the kilometres passed.

(If you care we divided it thus: Jason 0-2km - characterised with overexcited waving of arms; Mark 2-4km - surrounded but lots and lots of excited women; Robbie 4-6km - lots of up and downs; Gary 6-8km - started off a bit dull but ended up being very pretty; Howard 8-10km - lung-popping and with speech impediments all round.)

What else were we chatting about? Well, the worrying realisation that all our fingers had swollen up en route; Lauren's fear of sheep; getting a hot pork cob at the end and how much more difficult the terrain was than the flat concrete of Holme Pierrepont.

Anyway, with a tremendous sense of achievement and an even bigger hunger we wobbled across that finish line and can proudly say - we did it!

Between us we've raised about £700 sponsorship so far - feel free to visit any of our pages (listed below) and add a few more pennies to the pot.

Thanks to everyone who has given and shouted out support for us. It definitely made a difference to each of us to know so many people were wishing us well.

Next year? Who knows...

Sponsor us:
Picture: At the half way mark - Vena, Lauren and Sarah. Photo by Kelly.

Next: Lauren Noakes is the next Fat Girl on a charity mission. She'll be abseiling down Dudley Castle at night in the autumn. More soon...

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Slight return

So I've been off the Race For Life radar for a while - partly because of my mum being diagnosed and treated for brain cancer but also because I've been harbouring a little secret.

I'm currently coming up to the end of the first trimester of my pregnancy with my second child. I'm due on Christmas Day and have been rolling with the punches of morning sickness that lasts all day, dizzy spells and constant unfightable tiredness.

This means training has been completely off the agenda for me. And to be honest, I'm wondering if I'll make it round any distance of course this year never mind a 10km for which I'll be ill prepared!

My plan at the moment is to do some light training this week while I'm off work (working on my university dissertation *sigh*) and see how it goes. I really don't want to pull out of taking part this year. Some of that is my competitive streak (last year it drove me to run days after having swine 'flu) but also because it is a need rather than simply a want to raise money and complete the course because of my mum's condition.

Obviously I can't risk my own health now I'm pregnant and if I can't take part so be it but at the moment I still fully intend to do a Race for Life even if it can't be the 10km.

So, give me even more reason to start doing what I can training wise and hand over your money - you can sponsor me online.

S C-P x
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Friday, 30 April 2010

One in Three

Having taken part in Race for Life the last two years running (pardon the pun) I'd read the statistic that one in three people will get cancer in their lifetime. I'd never really thought about that statistic in a tangible term though.

Me, my mum, my dad - that is three people, right? So statistically, one of us will get cancer in our lifetime. I hate it when numbers turn out to be right.

About three weeks ago my mum was diagnosed with a brain tumour and last week she had surgery to remove it. We now know that tumour is malignant (cancer) and my mum will have to have both chemo and radiotherapy to try and treat whatever cells of nastiness weren't scooped out in the operation.

We're remaining positive and have been pleased with the speed of diagnosis and treatment as well as utterly, utterly overwhelmed by the support for all of us from friends both on and off line. That support is definitely helping to keep us positive.

However, for me, I think it is still to fully sink it. Telling people about it sometimes feels like I am recounting a plot line from Holby City rather than talking about my mum.

My mum who I haven't always got on with but now my teenage angst is (mainly) behind me has been a big inspiration to me.

My mum who is amazingly intelligent in a number of ways and whose success always makes me strive that little bit harder for my own success.

My mum who didn't always do things the conventional way but did things without a fuss (unlike me).

My mum who has been a massive support to me and is an amazing Grandma for my little boy.

I know nearly everyone thinks their mum is the best mum in the world and I'm sure they are mostly right. Except, to me, obviously, my mum can't be beaten in that field.

I wish, of course, that this was all a plot of a hospital drama show and not happening to my mum, my family. But these things do and so we'll get on with dealing with it and taking the positive energy for the aforementioned amazing support as well as how well things have gone so far.

I'm now seeing those statistics as a real person and this year when I take on the 10km Race for Life (Kedleston Hall, Derby, 18 July 2010) I already know whose name will be the story on my back, and who I am running and raising money to help - my mum.

If you can spare a thought to hope this story has a happy ending I promise it is very much appreciated and if you'd like to sponsor me you can online.

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Jog on

I must have used up a good proportion of my energy whining about having to go out training before I'd even stepped out the door this morning. But make it out I did.

I have to admit I do feel better for having done it and I am moderately impressed with this morning's effort - 3.5 miles of which 2.25 miles I jogged! This is the longest continuous stretch of jogging I have EVER done (EVER!) and the shine of achievement is only slightly dulled by the realisation I jog at the same pace as I walk.

Still, keeping positive, this is about a quarter of the distance I've got to do in July and I'm starting to feel that may actually be possible. Sure, I'm not going to finish fast or looking pretty but I may manage to jog most of it if I can keep training up.

With a walk with Mind Marathon pioneer Carl Bembridge scheduled for tomorrow and jogs on Monday and Wednesday for starters next week I'm actually looking forward to the next opportunity to get my run on.

If you want to spur me on with cash you can sponsor me here.

S C-P x

PS - Good luck to all you marathon runners in London tomorrow :)

Friday, 23 April 2010

Run, Fat Boy, Run

A break from our usual programme of blog posts about our consistent failure to train for our own events by bringing you an endorsement for Carl Bembridge and his marvellous Mind Marathon.

In Carl's words his Mind Marathon is a '238lb man vs a 26.01 mile route' which is completely in the spirit of Team Run, Fat Girl, Run!

Carl will run from his home in Mickleover (Derby) to his work in Matlock on Friday 30 July 2010 as a personal challenge to get fit in mind and body and to also raise money for the mental health charity Mind.

A great idea and a challenge most people would find difficult. I know how difficult I am finding it to get my head around running (or even jogging or walking 10km) so I am 100% this effort and will be endeavouring to run alongside Carl for at least part of his distance.

If you can spare a few pennies to encourage Carl on his way and support this important charity please visit his Mind Marathon Just Giving page.

In the meantime Team Run, Fat Girl, Run salutes Carl and are honoured to bestow upon him the dubious pleasure of being an honourary Fat Girl.

Run, Fat Boy, Run!
S C-P out x

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Running away

You're probably quite familiar with this introductory spiel now - haven't been out for ages, not looking forward to it, just about 3 months until race day blah blah blah.
But the spring sunshine and a powerful need to keep myself busy booted me out the door and training was underway.
I managed 1.66miles (about 3km?) in 30 minutes through a combination of walking and jogging. In fact I managed the longest continuous jogging stint yet (possibly ever for me).
I soundtracked the whole thing with EV001: Manchester even though I usually favour bleeps to beats when out training. The Manchester mix worked better than I thought though, particularly Stone Roses I Am The Resurrection which had me slowly wobble-jogging down a field with one hand self-consciously pumping the air in an attempt to set free some emotions.
I feel pretty pleased with this mornings effort and not as grouchy / knackered as usual. Oh, my knees and ankles still hurt for sure and I'd go for a nice sit down if anyone is offering but it didn't leave me feeling awful and this is a positive sign.
I learnt also that while running on pavements and roads is easier, it hurts more while fields are easier on the joints but really hard going. All of this is useful information which I can use to plan training in the future.
I'd love to say that I am definitely heading out again this week but personal circumstances mean I don't actually know where I will be in a couple of days time, or when I'll come back.
The best I can say right now is I'll be getting back to training as soon as I can...

S C-P xReblog this post [with Zemanta]

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Onset of Panic

And so the panic begins. It's less than 15 weeks till R4L 10k!!!
Going to get my jog on and my sponsorship on this week.
Aim to hit all those dates i wrote down in my last post. I will start and i will maintain the training!
It's time to bring it!

Friday, 26 March 2010

Diaries to the ready

OK so i've been off training for a few weeks now and it has taken its toll. Im now fat and unfit. More so than i have been in the last year so time to buck up ideas and get out there again. I dont know where it went wrong, all of a sudden i hadnt been to the gym or the Bowl of Hellfire in ages and i'd gained another stone... and that was weeks ago, before more gin and whiskey nights and before the unadulterated booze/burgerking exploits of Butlins!

Got dates in the diary for APRIL so calling all fat girls:

EASTER- who's free and when! Lets burn off those easter treats (that we've been scoffing since Feb!!)
Thursday 8th 7:30pm Ice Skating
Friday 9th 4pm The Bowl
Sunday 11th 10am The Bowl
Wednesday 14th 4pm The Bowl
Thursday 15th 7:30pm Ice Skating
Friday 16th 4pm The Bowl
Sunday 18th 11:30am Keddy Hall (Bluebell walk for £2.50on but great excuse to check out the terrain!)
Monday 19th 8pm Dancing wildly (but in sync) at Pipettes gig in Notts
Wednesday 21st 4pm The Bowl
Thursday 22nd Ice Skating
Monday 26th 4pm The Bowl
Wednesday 28th 7km strutt round Manc!

Saturday, 20 March 2010

The journey ahead

A walk in the spring sunshine was irresistible this week despite the fact I was recovering from tonsillitis.
So with Vena in on the jaunt and a borrowed dog we set off on a little jolly. Well, not that little as it turns out. Actually near enough the 10km distance we've got to cover in the race come July.
We walked it while covering our usual range of topics (trains, Take That, old times on trains and with Take That, Richard Hammond, nights out and love lives) and we may have had a quick half in the pub midway. But now I've actually done the distance I must admit the race is feeling more daunting.
I know I have to grasp the training nettle and get on with building up my stamina and ability to actually, you know, run.
So, yes, overwhelmed by the task ahead again. It's a hell of a long way and just walking it in the sunshine, with friends, with no particular rush to get there or back left me feeling weak, tired and as if traveling around in a motorised armchair would be a pretty sweet way to live out my days.
But quitting is not an on with the training. I think my overall lack of general fitness is part of the problem so I'm trying to build in swimming and cycling to the schedule as well as the walk / running. And say it very quietly - I'm giving the dieting thing another go too.
And every journey begins with the most hesitant, shaky, unenthusiastic small step right?
S C-P x

Friday, 19 March 2010

Team RFGR Loves RaceforLife

There are less than 18 weeks until race day now (18 July) and I can't say that any of us are training as hard as we should be. But our lack of physical effort is completely outweighed by our enthusiasm for taking part in Race for Life.

So when the Race for Life Get Social team asked "what do you love about taking part in Race For Life?" the team smiled and shared their reasons.

We've all got a personal reason and seen lives around us be touched by this disease. Raising funds to find a cure is obviously important to all of us and is the reason we all signed up in the first place.

Race day itself is full of emotion; that for me is part of the glory and the challenge. Reading the stories on everyone's backs is incredibly grounding, a sometimes harsh reminder that this disease is indiscriminate but those words are also an uplifting, intimate and unifying motivator to breakthrough personal barriers.

The other girls said the same, Vena Redshaw described her experience running with the Team in 2009: "I found it extremely humbling reading all the stories and felt like had actually achieved something important when I finished.

"The fact my best girls were there too was amazing, the healthy and the sick, all made me feel very proud of us as a team and friends. GO TRFGR!"

Kelly Race also joined the team in 2009. She said: "I love seeing everyone dressed up – young and old alike. It makes me smile."

So the team loves taking part in Race For Life because it bonds us as best friends together in silliness and a worthwhile cause and allows us to be with a group of amazing, inspiring and sometimes equally silly women all fighting this common foe in a way that doesn't even fill like full on battle.

In other news: We all got our numbers and packs this week and have made new resolutions to follow the training schedule included with them. In the meantime if you'd like to show me your support in a financial way you can join the fight against cancer by sponsoring me online!

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Friday, 12 March 2010

London Loves

I never thought I'd see the day when I said this but London has managed to raise itself from loathe to like in my 'favourite cities' list.

Why didn't I like it before? Well, it's the Tube you see. I am simply not a creature meant to be transported at speed, in close proximity to strangers, beneath the ground. And that can really ruddy put you off a place.

But today I did the city a different way (and there is a Team RFGR point to this!); I walked.

Arriving into St Pancras station I had an hour to get to Barbican for a workshop I was attending. TfL journey planner gave me an estimated 25 mins on the dreaded Tube while a walk was estimated to take 40. A peek outside showed a favourable Spring sky and air as fresh as it can be in Kings Cross. I loaded up iMapMyRun on the new iPhone, stuck some tunes on (somewhat unimaginative of me but went with Blur) and off I went down the Pentonville Road.

Winding my way along to Angel and then down through Islington I really enjoyed the hotch potch architecture and effect of new buildings leaning on new. And strolling through Smithfields market, although it was way past it's rush hour, was pretty cool.

My heart was thawing for this city and I admit, it was a little disappointing to reach Barbican (great, brutal, 'cities in the sky' buildings) seemingly so soon. I perked up though when I realised I was not only far more relaxed than on usual trips but that I'd completed a 1.96mile route (and only 15 mins slower than if I'd gone underground).

I was so pleased with how well this had worked for me – no panicky escalator rides down, down, down into the depths or confusion about which line I needed or pushing or getting in the way – I decided to reverse it all and head back to St Pancras on foot at the end of the workshop.

So I've completed nearly 4 miles walking today and learned to like this place a little more. I also proved to myself that being busy or away from home for the day doesn't have to mean I'm entitled to excuse myself from training. It might not have been a run but it's all counting toward being able to make it round that ten km route come July.

I'm chalking today up as a good day – and thinking about when next I can come back and explore more of the capital on foot.

S C-P x

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

A Cautionary Tale

DO NOT go shopping after a really long and dull day at work, you will find yourself compelled to spend money you dont really have on things you never even knew you wanted.

For example. After a long and dull day staring at code, frozen progress bars and debug messages i thought i'd pop to IKEA on the way to Sarahs. After all i need a sofa bed still and some light bulbs. Whilst i'm over that way i thought, i'll just nip into Decathlon and see if they do sports bras. BAD CHOICE.

Short of it is that i never got to IKEA. I spent over 2 hours in Decathlon and spent £70 on things i didnt even know i needed. And i forgot to even look for sports bras!

So now i have to take training more seriously because i've spent money on it, which i guess is a good incentive but one my bank balance could've done without. The only worrying thing is i need to return a few items because they were damaged (in my frenzied end of day shopping state i forgot to check for pulled seams etc) and im worried i might spend even more. It was only because i had my hands full already that i didnt come away with a HRM, GPS, bike, boots, jacket, day pack and archery set! If i can find the will power not to purchase these things when i return then maybe i can find the will power to train harder, better and faster!!

Sunday, 7 March 2010


Im having a pause in training. I havent done anything since bake day. Or did i go for a 5k jog? Oh i cant remember seems ages ago now. Did go ice skating on Thursday evening and that was hilarious. Was shitting myself to start with, its been YEARS since i last went and i remember spending most of that clinging onto the sides. This time i was with Mackenzies, Tim and Nick and it was great. I fell over in quite an understated and yet really retarded fashion, i also managed to get round without holding onto the sides or stopping so quite chuffed. Sarah did really well too seeing as it was her first time ever on the ice. I think there'll definetly be other times, hopefully we'll make it a regular thing as it was really good exercise. I felt great the day after but really really aching on Sat!! Muscles that i never knew existed in my legs hurt and my arms feel like they should be black and blue. Hopefully some rowing and weights at the gym tomorrow will help me stretch out and tone up. Fingers crossed!

Friday, 26 February 2010

BGS Bake Day

I'm proudly wearing a red tshirt covered in crumbs...... it's all in aid of the British Heart Foundation and National Wear Red Day. Yup that's today, it's here at last and I'm chalking it up as a big old success.

I organised a Bake Day (aka frantic 10 minute scrabble for cake) at work. It was only a small affair but I'm rather proud of how it turned out. Alex, Jackie, Sheila and Debbie all baked wonderful cakes so combined with my massive batch of cherry and choc muffins we had enough to feed the BGS rabble.

Everyone gave very generously and together we raised £71 for the British Heart Foundation! Not bad at all, makes all the organising and kitchen caos worth it! I'm going to send a cheque off tonight... after I've been to the gym to work of 6000 kcals!!

A massive thanks to everyone who helped. Visit the British Heart Foundation to see where the money goes and why it is so desperately important we're heart aware!

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Future Events

This week i've been pondering bigger challenges. Perhaps further away challenges.

The BHF And CRUK both do really exciting and amazing fund raising events abroad. Hikes, bike rides, runs and swims all over the place. I'm seriously thinking about Peru Trek, Berlin Marathon, 3 Capitals Cycle Challenge or something equally as far fetched and inspiring to do in 2011. For definate i'm doing the Three Peak Challenge ... could Team RFGR be the super team in 2011? This year i want to do the Winter High Peak Challenge .

Hmmmmm i'll deliberate and cogetate a bit more before i decide 100% on next years events me thinks, it's a serious undertaking for a Fat Girl and i have to be sure im dedicated and could do the charity justice. Exciting though!!

Bad biscuit day

Today has been exactly what is says on the tin. A bad biscuit day. Actually that's not entirely true, it's been a really bad biscuit and flapjack day. I did the gym, again, yesterday and it's still not getting any easier. Having a minor sulk about it. I know i cant expect results straight away but i want to go climbing mountains and running 10k NOW! I don't want to be fat and unfit anymore, now I've made the decision it's getting tiresome waiting for the results of my labour! Of course eating biscuits is quite the wrong thing to do when having a tantrum about being fat, darn the stupid wiring of my brain! Hopefully the weather will stay reasonably clear this afternoon so i can actually get to the Bowl this week, need to jog off these biscuits and try to reprogramme my brain!

Talking of sugar and sweet things. It's the big awaited BGS BAKE for British Heart Foundation tomorrow so I'm over Mackenzies tonight stealing muffin trays and recipes! Hopefully between me and the other super gals in my dept we'll have baked up enough treats to feed our colleagues and raise a lot of cash for BHF!

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Groundhog Day

I'd just got my running shoes laced and was hurrying out of work to get over to the Bowl when i noticed horrid cold freezy white stuff falling from the sky. Bloody bloody bloody bloody snow! Now don't get me wrong i love snow- when it's a weekend and and i can go play and get drunk- not when im wearing shorts and trying to keep my balance! So with another epic weather fail I abandoned the Bowl and headed to the gym instead. Armed with my chum Jane's mp3 i started on the treadmill. Thanks to a great mix of tunes incl Feeder, Foo Fighters and Nirvana i jogged 2 miles. That's the furthest i've managed to go on the treadmill without being so bored i had to fall off!!! RESULT!! Also did 10 minutes on the rower and even did some weights. It's amazing the difference an empty gym and some great tunes can make, I might try going after work more often if it's that productive. I went at lunch today and it just felt like a chore, having to wait for people to get off stuff and not being able to sing out loud makes it really boring. I'm not good with boring, not when it comes to exercise.

So with a gym session on Mon and Tues i was expecting aching muscles and sore limbs today but low and behold todays session has been pain free. I'm not sure if that's because im not working hard enough or because of the new shakes im drinking but im happy with the result! I'm positively busting with enthusiasm for tomorrows 5k jog, which is weird. Very weird. But good i guess!

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Snow interupts training

What a bummer. Jog scheduled for weekend had to be cancelled due to adverse weather conditions! Annoyingly though so too did my big house move! Instead of 5k and moving house i ended up putting more time into my alcohol endurance training. Booze is bad, but then again i may have slightly (kidding ones self) balanced this out with a lot(ish) of walking. OK so all be it drunk and in the middle of the night but it all counts if my calf muscles were anything to go by yesterday! I still went to the gym though and lasted a dissapointing 10 minutes before wanting to throw myself out the window through boredom not pain. So it's all about the 5k jog tonight round the Bowl of Hellfire Iceyslush.

Seriously though I must curb it on the alcohol front because i really do want to get fit by spring, i will be able to ascend mountains and jog 10k without an oxygen mask and need for hospitalisation. I will, i will, i will, i will, i will... am i convincing anyone else because it's not working for me! Also pissed off the smoking has crept back up again too, a definate side affect of the increased booze consumption. So that is all the news i have. I've concluded drinking is fun but it must be balanced out with better eating and more fitness. Bring on the 5k waddle tonight.

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Powered by vitriol

Got out there. Jogged 1.6 miles in 18 minutes and feel, frankly, miserable, a bit angry and not very healthy at all.

I am therefore giving science the finger as this stuff about endorphins is clearly codswallop. I'm feeling angrier now than I did before heading out and that's saying something given the whole endeavour was powered by a doozy of a tantrum.

My whole right leg is a series of niggles now - one in the inside of my ankle, then the outside of my knee and the familiar pain in the lower right of my back. Further convincing me I have one leg shorter than the other or (new option) they unbalanced my core by removing the left hand side of my reproductive system.

Anyway. I did it. I got out there and did my first training in 16 days. Now sponsor me. Please.

S C-P x

Total training fail

Well as per usual my good intentions have been scuppered by a hideous cycle of illness leading to mood lowering leading to lack of will power leading to further illness. In short I haven't done any training since I walked 5km with Kelly more than two weeks ago.

I don't feel good about it. Especially seeing as the Race For Life Get Social team have sent me a bag full of goodies (inluding the cute as anything rubber duckie) as a thank you for blogging, tweeting and generally yakking online about taking part. It's a shame that the effort I put in online won't help me survive the 10km race in July.

So, it's time to pull myself up by my trainer laces and get back on with training of some sort or another. I was feeling motivated 30 minutes ago but the discovery that my iPod is at work has diminished that get up and go somewhat. Running (alright jogging. Alright ALRIGHT walking) 5km on my own with no tunes really isn't appealing to me.

A failed attempt to hijack my husband's iPod means I'm expending more energy on sorting out this perceived problem than I am on actually getting on with training. If there is one thing I need no more practice in it is procrastination.

I need somebody to tell me to get out there. Someone to have some friendly competition with. Anyone about to administer a kick up the ass?

A lazy-as-you-like S C-P x

Friday, 19 February 2010

Snow Day

This was the view from my window as i got up to leave the office yesterday night. This would've been a much welcomed sight if i hadn't been on my way to the Bowl to do a 5k.

I know from experience that running in rain round the Bowl is beyond miserable let alone sleet and snow so I decided against it. But instead of buggering off home and snatching a biscuit from the tin before i left i got my gear together and headed to the gym. As usual it was a total waste of time because there's a big red button which says STOP on the treadmill. I'm a sucker for doing what I'm told.

The final result was 10 minutes on the rower and 1.5 miles on the treadmill. Rubbish but better than nothing?

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Good Times Bad Times

[For the purpose of the following statement i need you to assume that training now consists of whiskey monopoly, Wii fit games a la whiskey, takeaways post whiskey and sleep deprivation]

It's been an awesome weekend of training!

Hmmm so maybe the training has taken a bit of a back seat to fun this weekend but I'm back on track now. In Fridays post i said I'd go to the bowl again that night but work scuppered my good intentions and i stayed at my desk till gone 6:30pm. I had been to the gym at lunch and done a bit of rowing and walking but found it surprisingly frustrating that i couldn't go jogging. Being a Fat Girl it's obvious these periods of enthusiasm don't come often and I'm only too aware if i let it slide it'll be harder to get off my fat arse the next day. Then came the weekend of anti-training and plans of a Sunday jog fell to the wayside. However i think if giggles and guffaws count then I'm ready for a marathon!

Monday was a total exercise fail as didn't get to gym and traffic stopped me getting to Sarah's in time for a jog. I did however have a good session of bopping and clapping at a really really great HotChip gig in Notts.

So with a steely determination to get this fat arse moving I went to the gym at lunch on Tuesday. Only to suffer another fail as it was closed! So Jane and I went for a brisk walk into the village instead, not much of a workout but better than vegging at my desk. I followed this with a 5k jolly round the Bowl later that night! I'm really getting into sunset jogging, it's really beautiful and if i didn't have to focus all my attention on keeping my legs working I'd take my camera along and show you. The skies were an amazing display of burnt amber and crimson, it would've taken my breath away if i had any left. The setting sun also helps keep me going because i don't want to be caught out in the dark half way round a big hole of water, that would be bad times!

So my 5k time on Tuesday wasn't anything special, but i did find it easier going than last week which must prove the faffing about in the gym is doing something. That or being sleep deprived and trying to hold a convo with your mum whilst jogging is the way forward. So even though my speed leaves something to be desired I'm pleased I'm getting out there and staying motivated. I just need to keep it up and hopefully I'll start feeling the benefits soon. That and some of my winter blubber should start shedding in time for a lean mean bikini summer!

P.S Tuesdays walk/jog was brought to you by the music from Maximo Park and the company via mobile of Mrs Mack and Mum!

Friday, 12 February 2010

Don't let the sun go down on me

Stupidly i weighed myself at the gym the other day. First time back to the torture chamber since Christmas and it showed, i was bloody knackered and the scales said FAT. This didn't help my mood, in fact i think it broke me. After a bit more melodramatic 'woe is me' tantrum i decided to pick my self up and shut up. Crying wasn't going to help anything and tears don't weigh enough to make a difference on the scales. So last night i laced up my running shoes and went to Holme Pierrepont for a jog after work.

It was a beautiful evening and although there was a freezing wind i soon warmed up after 5 minutes of fast walking. I even broke into a jog a few times and made it round in a time of 45 minutes. This was the time i managed a year ago when training started for the 5k. Since then I've lost 1.5 stone, got fit, got healthy, jogged 5k in 28 minutes, then stopped. Winter has been miserable, with darkness coming so early and crap weather i've done nothing. Im back to square one with an additional 0.5 stone to weigh me down. Oh well we all have to start somewhere and if i have to start from the beginning again so be it. Will power growing and stubborn determination back on track.

I'm planning to go to the Bowl of Hellfire again today, but I'll time it so as I'm not walking into the setting sun. The burning amber sky made the water look like the fiery pits of hell and running with bleeding retinas isn't too pleasurable, although that did take my mind off the fire in my lungs and the burning in my knees. And it's soooo much easier to keep good pace with pumping tunes, praise be to the Ministry of Sound and HotChip :D

Oh and I've just found out there's going to be a Race For Life Charity Single, if you want to be part of it and literally sing for your life go here, they're recruiting folk to sing on it all over the UK so take a look for when RFL scouts will be near you!

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

One thumb up one thumb down

I can report the Team has had some 'tactical training', this is the thumb up part! The newly wed Mrs Mackenzie and I had a jolly old time boozing it up at the Beer Festival on Sat afternoon. We also celebrated Vena and Michaels birthday at the local pub with Sarah. So all in all I've managed to widen the Fat Girl part of our team but as for the Run part it's been a disaster! I'm wallowing in self pity and muffin crumbs, and that's the thumb down part! Next week will be the start of better things.... i hope! By then some will power will have kicked in and i can go back to those happy enthusiastic times gone by! Oh and I've had no replies to our Dine At Mine letters, not even a 'thanks but no thanks'. How rude and disappointing, calls for another muffin i think :(

Friday, 5 February 2010

Training #fail

This was the weather on the way to Holme Pierrepont Wednesday night. It was rain, sleet and snow, all rolled into one horridly freezing evening. Combined with the fact I was really miserable (5 days semi-no-smoking) I decided to turn round and go home. So training was a fail. I paid for it at weigh in yesterday with a 3lb increase, darn it! I should've braved the bloody weather... one training session certainly would've counter-acted the week of replacing fags with foodie treats! Hmmmmm???

I may have jacked in the training plan but I still did something for the good of TRFGR. I spent over an hour in Westfield hand delivering begging letters to our favourite stores! I really hope we get some positive responses. I also hope the letter made sense. Basically I said the Team and friends are meeting each month. We're cooking a meal and all chipping in some money for CRUK. All we need is a few businesses to recognise they could help us and be generous. We're not asking for cash, we're asking for food so we can add the shopping budget to the donation, and any products from their stores we can raffle off or give as prizes for quizzes or games. I hope I'm not the only one that can see the potential boost to our fundraising this could generate. It's all for Cancer Research UK, who could say no to finding a cure for Cancer? Well apparently Next can, they wouldn't even take my letter, instead they gave me a slip with head office phone number on and told me that was all they could do. Was I naive to expect more, am I going to be disappointed when we get no replies?? Oh dear!!

Guess I'll concentrate on the training and sponsorship for the 10k, always a great comfort to know I can count on the generosity and kindness of my friends and colleagues! I'll start passing round the sponsorship forms soon! If you want to sponsor me online go here !
Expect another update on training early next week. Well it's the beer festival tomorrow so I HAVE to fit training into the weekend else next weigh in will be another disaster! The plan is to go for a jog Saturday morning then do a MEGA walk on Sunday with Phil. Fingers crossed for better weather!!

Wednesday, 3 February 2010


Look out the window. It's getting dark, it's raining, it's freezing cold. I don't want to go jogging, I don't want to get out my nice warm clothes, I don't want the rain to sting my face and lose all feeling in my fingers. I don't want to go jogging!!

Well OK I do a little bit, I'm still feeling guilty about the whole cake thing last week but I'd be a little happier if I was setting off to gracefully jog along a stretch of golden sand and sparkling blue surf. Instead I have to get my stupid shorts on and go waddling round a wet, dark pond in Nottingham. Not really inspiring or motivating but if it's what I must do then so be it.

Off I go :(

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Style and sobriety #fail

The training on Friday went well. We showed up and we jogged a good chunk of the 1.6mile circuit. For this I am proud, we started with gusto and we followed through on our fighting talk. What I'm less proud of is the fact that I was fuelled by a whole Victoria Sponge and Sarah was quite tipsy after a few afternoon pints! Vena, however, was sugar and alcohol free, but still managed to pull off the most amazing impression of a chav I've ever seen. I know what our next theme night will be!! I'm not being mean, i'm allowed to mock because I rocked an even more ridiculous ensemble (see photo evidence- cheers Vena!!)

So with training for the Race For Life 10k underway it's time to start our second fundraising attack. Every month most of the TRFGR girls are meeting under the guise of Gourmet Night. It's a great excuse to eat quality grub and spend the night drinking wine and catching up with friends. Every athlete needs a breather from training every now and again! So taking this idea on board we've decided to open up these events and hold them as Dine at Mine events for Cancer Research UK.

We're appealing to local business' and supermarkets to help us maximise the amount of cash we can raise from each event. If we're supplied with food or vouchers it'll enable us to donate the shopping budget as well. And if we get given free goodies we can raffle these off or use them as prizes for competitions and challenges. I've signed us up and written letters to our favourite supermarkets and shops so I really hope we get a positive response, we REALLY want to make these nights a success and raise as much money as possible!

Now onto the serious business of training.... I'm heading down Holme Pierrepont tonight to see how good/bad a 5k walk in the rain can go. Then I'm home to deliver the Dine at Mine begging letters! Wish me luck!

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Top five: things learnt in training #2

So, grasping the training bull firmly by the horns I headed out again yesterday for training session number two.
With my three-year-old taking on the training partner role we set out in the bright sunshine for what was supposed to be a walk of a 10km circuit. I thought this would set in my mind the distance I'm aiming for in July. Nothing like seeing the whole of the desert before trying to move it grain by grain.
Anyway, we managed 8km. These are the top five things I learnt from it.
  1. Ten kilometres is a long way. A really long way. A really really long way.
  2. Surprisingly good tunes to train to include Belle and Sebastian Sleepyheads and St Etienne Join Our Club.
  3. Yesterday was a really beautiful cold, crisp, sunshine and blue sky of a day with a hint of Spring in the air. Even with the physical struggle of making it as far as I did it sure is good for the soul to get out and about.
  4. So adept am I am moaning that with each mile that passes another made-up malady strikes. Yesterday I was mainly suffering from a popped lung (a dramatic spin on the not-made-up asthma) and the conviction that I have one leg shorter than the other and this is what makes my back hurt (right leg shorter if you're interested).
  5. That however big a challenge I have given myself by deciding to do the 10km it is nothing compared to the challenge facing those with cancer or their friends and family. I was reminded why raising this money is so important after hearing about an associate's current battle. I'd gladly up my distance if it meant we were one step closer to finding a cure for cancer.
Today is a day off. All the girls in the team who are taking on the 10km are getting together to eat a hearty Sunday lunch and no doubt talk training. Next week sets me off on my schedule proper and I'm still feeling pretty positive about what I can personally achieve.

If you want to sponsor me you can do so online:

S C-P x

Friday, 29 January 2010

Training session #1

I'm not sure if this is the way that serious athletes do it but I started my training session by drinking two pints and talking about the money to be made from selling virtual nipple tape in Second Life with a great bunch of geeks.
Something powered me on though as I headed out into the twilight with Lauren and Vena for our first official training session for Race for Life 2010.
We did a short 1.6 mile circuit round my way but was mightily impressed that we jogged most of it - even the hills! It was certainly easier on my lungs that the 5k was last July as the pig 'flu ravaged them.
It wasn't a full throttle start to the training but we feel it is sensible to start slow and short and build up so we feel we've achieved something each time.
In fact, rather than feeling knackered and overwhelmed by the task ahead, I feel motivated and incredibly positive about making it round the 10k come July.
I've now mapped a 10km walk from my door and back again and plan to load my three-year-old into the pushchair and walk this route tomorrow morning. I think this will give me a good idea of the final distance and what lies ahead.
And then onward with the 12 week training schedule I've been recommended by a friend. I think training together is a great giggle (although everything we do is laughs-a-go-go to be honest) but I'm also looking forward to getting my music on and tackling these routes alone sometimes.
I don't think I could have hoped for a better start. The next 6 months of training are going to be challenge - but I'm ready to face it head on as part of Team Run, Fat Girl, Run.
S C-P x

Todays exercise was brought to you by the emotion GUILT

I was planning to start my training campaign next week when I could say I was 100% recovered from the cold/cough/snot bug I've had. But today I have eaten a whole victoria sponge (which follows an evening of ultimate choc brownies and blueberry muffins). This may well have been in the name of charity but I am still fleeing work in a cloud of woe and self hatred to join my fellow team mates for a spot of afternoon jogging. Hopefully this early start to the training regime will boost my confidence and start me on the straight and narrow. I need to find a path paved in willpower and sucess rather than jam and cream. Darn that cakey goodness.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Curse my radical thinking

So yesterday I had the brain wave about doing the 10k run instead of the usual 5k. I even wrote a small blerb in this Blog and shared my insanity with a few of the Team. But then i talked training regimes with some gym-keen friends and I quickly saw the error of my ways! The kind of plan I'd need to get myself to where I could jog 10k at a respectable pace was colossal and so much harder than the one I failed to keep up for the 5k! The idea was dismissed. I was a little disappointed I'd not got the courage to challenge myself to that level but the commitment filled me with dread, the sheer size of the task and the totally dedication to not looking like an idiot... it just goes against every lazy bone in my body.

Then out of the blue the other Team members agreed with me, but a day too late, they agreed the 10k was a good idea! Oh how easily my mind is swayed, about 2 seconds later and I'm all fighting talk again! WE CAN DO IT!! If only my fitness was as strong as my will is weak! *urgh* now we're signed up for the 10k EEEK and there's no going back. I'm going to have to do my very best to kick my lazy bones into gear, because if I fail at training I'll fail on the day. I do not want to let the Team or Cancer Research down.

So all that training I baulked at before is now back on the table and being designed into a spreadsheet of woe as you read this. I'm going to be using and abusing all my kind friends and fellow TRFGR members who've pledged help, support and training companionship! The countdown is on: 18th July 2010!

This Fat Girl is getting her game on!! My sponsorship page is up and running already so it has officially begun. 6 months to train and raise a load of cash. I'm going to try and remember the reason behind it all when my legs are aching and my feet are bleeding, all the training pain and tears will be worth every penny of sponsorship.

What could be better motivation than helping find a cure for Cancer?

On your marks....

So, here we go again.

I am not sure what magic is at work but each January when the registration opens for Race For Life the unwavering belief I can run (yes, run) easily, happily and fast by July takes me over.

Consequently, having overcome the challenge of completing 5km at Holme Pierrepont in 2009 with swine 'flu and a chest infection raging through my system this year I've registered for the 10km.

Yes, 10km. Which I am convinced I am going to run with the carefree smile and graceful gait. The image in my head looks like a BodyForm advert - the sun is shining and I am laughing, barely noticing that I am running at speed. Sweat, wheezing and moaning doesn't come in to it. Neither does the inevitable crying when I finish slower than the rest of the team.

Right now I am uninterested in the reality of what 18 July 2010 will bring. I am signed up and ready to become S Champagne-Perspiration again. I fully intend to get further along my training plan than merely printing it off this year.

So, yeah, 10km. Bring it on.

And if you could sponsor me that would be awesome:

The rest of the team are also ready to go again - I've already had news that superspeedy Fat Girls of 2009 Vena and Lauren will be taking on the 10km, as will self-confessed lazy arse Kelly Race while Sarah Hutchinson heads to Nottingham again to take on the 5km.

I am sure news of what the other Fat Girls are doing will feed through soon. So watch this space (and the roads of Derbyshire as I get training!)

S C-P xxx

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

TRFGR in 2010

It's 2010 and thoughts have started turning to what challenges lie in wait for TRFGR this year. Registration for Race For Life 2010 has opened so the wheels are being put into motion to gather the team together once more for the 5k walk/jog/run. I've decided to change venues to Kedleston Hall this year as I'm heading to wales on holiday again the weekend of the race at Holme Pierrepont. The only problem is they do a 5k and a 10k race. I'm not even sure why I'm contemplating the 10k, it's a crazy idea, or is it?? YES it is! I barely survived the 5k run last year. But it would be a challenge, and that's what it's all about in 2010! So I'll think about it a bit more, this shouldn't be rushed into after all, 10k is a serious distance and I'm not sure i could get that fit. I still want to enjoy it after all!

What else have TRFGR got lined up for 2010? Urm... nothing which involves fighting the flab as yet. The opposite in fact, oops!! Following the success of the annual Macmillan Coffee Morning I'm having a bake day at work for the British Heart Foundation. I dropped a few bags off to their charity shop the other day and found out that February is National Heart Month and they're running a 'Red For Heart' campaign. I'll be making cherry sponge cake, red iced cupcakes and rasberry cookies mmmmmmmmmm to sell at work on Thursday 25th and Friday 26th. Hopefully they'll be delicious and raise a few quid for BHF :)